BUGs and few suggestions


28 Nis 2021
Dear dev team,

first of all, you guys have done awesome work and progress with the game!!! Srsly great job! And I absolutely understand that the game is in the alpha, that's why I would like to take an active part with bug finding as this is the stage for this...therefore I am reporting few things that I have found in the game so far and few suggestions that would be awesome to have in the future, some of them may be considered as bugs, therefore I will leave it here...

  • MP potion (Energy potion) says 100 in the skillbar even though it gives 120 mp. This is properly written in the potion description in the inventory and in the item description, not in the skillbar though.
  • (Already done) Warrior skill at lvl 7 gives 50 p. armor, instead of 100 as it's written in the description skill description.
  • Spell Wall (II) says "gives 125 magical resistance" - well, it gives all other resistance but magical (change the description of that)..
  • (Seems fixed) Bottom left corner inventory slot is bugged when you have full inventory and upgrading! (if you put scrolls there it shows 1 and scrolls are not usable, if you put item there it refers to the item which is on first spot in your inventory!)
  • (Already done) Items should show class
  • Sitting - When you sit - sometimes it does not trigger any heal and also from time to time it stucks your character not to be able to move at all, you need to keep pressing "sit" button quite few times to be able to move again.
  • (Already done) Online merchant does not seem to be working - can't open the merchant of the online player.
  • Pathing - getting stucked in trees / rocks in dorion/protean when you use "autonavigate" system
  • Repair of the items in the inventory (not equipped) is kinda glitched.
  • Purchasing from NPC with "full" inventory the items you already have there (potions, scrolls) - does not work.
  • Finishing the quests that gives potions with Mage or rogue may be a bit problematic because of the weight of the potions.
  • Quest with BLUE EARRING at Narun tower (lvl 45 or so), is not doable till lvl 50, because it won't let you go to the floor you need because of the level restriction. At lvl 50 you have "hunt" quest there though.
  • Map is not showing at Narun tower
  • You can't get off the mount when you run out of the scrolls.
  • You can't unsummon the pet when you run out of the scrolls.
  • Mobs don't disrupt mage spells (guess it's under the progress).
  • Enchant scrolls are not changeable. Not sure if this is intended.

  • There was something wrong with english (past tense was wrong), no idea what it was though. (oops)
  • DPI scaling - moving GUI does not properly work there, you drag the object, then you move it, your mouse moves at "speed 1", object moves with "speed of dpi scale - faster", when the mouse goes out of the moved object, it's stucked into the mouse and you can't get rid of it (so you have to move the GUI by 0,5 CM then again and again)
  • Multiple / Ultra wide monitor support - this does not work at all. (may be issue just with multiple monitor setup though). When you want to run the game other than on your main screen (such as laptop connected to the extra monitor).
  • When starting the game again if you set your GUI the way you like it (such as moving HP bar), it starts fresh everytime you start the game again (some person in disc. already complained about this) (According to Dominik [EN support]) - UI/UX will be done after alpha 2.0, but let it sit here for time being
  • Cape design (I know it's somehow under the work, but it looks weird when sitting on the mount - flying in the air, like when you are moving though the character is not moving at all)
  • I do not know what I actually signed in the TOS as it's in turkish and no idea if the game is flagged as appropriate for younger generation, HOWEVER you can clearly see the niples of the human female character with costume n.3 and most likely with all human female characters when looking "inside of the character" when you "bug" your view with a wall.

  • Confirm stat points usage.
  • Confirm spell points usage.
  • There should be timeout for people looking at merchant! I mean..at this moment, you can left it open for as long as you wish. Also there should be timeout, cuz it seems bugged or people are actually blocking someone's else merchants for hours..
  • Lower the armors obtained from quests!!! (bonuses are way to high), you need Elite +6 (Chitins) to make it worth (though they have just slightly bigger armor, not the stats!), so it makes them "useless", same goes for Imperials (Shells)... which makes farming for items basically pointless.
  • Lower the jewellery obtained from quest +5 / +6 is way too high. +3 should do it. Then people shall actually farm that in the Narun tower.
  • In the Narun Tower some floors are basically "empty" -> make there more MOBS, as the map is kinda big...
  • Map: (Suppose it's in the progress as it srsly does not work properly in the "proteon"): see party members on the big map / movable / transparency (basically it's unusable atm as it is)
  • Minimap - movable
  • Mage burn away (or whatever is the name of the spell) should be a bit faster to cast.
  • Quest items - would be great to see where they drop at description (what monster)
  • In the quest tab - tell the village location of the NPC.
  • 5 quests limit - it gives you 4 quests on one page, then the last one goes to 2nd, which is a bit annoying (so either remove the limit for 5, or make it one page).
  • Rune system looks great, however no idea how many bonuses you can actually get and giving "rogue" bonuses on for example on spear is pretty useless...well, as it's random, it makes it near impossible to get "decent" rune bonus that you want (if it picks from like 42730 things). I am all for the random stuff here, after all this is grinding game... but make it some resistance or something and not complete nonsense.
  • No idea how "offline" merchants will work after Alpha, but if they are availabe for everybody, remove them once in 24 hours...
  • Make some anti flood system - because people spamming chat nonstop in the first map is kinda annoying.

Hope the topic is editable, so I will edit this as time goes. :)


PS: Keep up good work! :)
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