Member Searching UnDeStRuCtAbLeZzZzZ x Rise Online (Lunaskar)


26 Nis 2021
We're recruiting what can be salvaged out of the dying KO English community.

The old crew is back once more. Laidback, tightknit and experienced clan trying something 'new' for a change. If you're a nice dude you'll be right at home, and if you like it here you'll probably stay hanging out w/ us for a long time.

The DO's:

1. Speak English well. Self explanatory.
2. Discord™ is a must. If you want to participate in clan activities / parties, you need to be on Discord!
3. Have a decent KO background. Not asking for fame or for extreme skill, but at least know the mechanics, classes, items, etc.
4. Be nice, humble, and receptive to advice / criticism. Even if it might be harsh at times. It all stays in the game anyway.
5. Loyalty. It's what makes clans such as this one stay together for way over a decade after all.
6. Be active. At least a few hours a day, enough to not fall behind that much.

The DON'Ts:

1. Not listening.
2. Leave your egos at the door. Getting awfully cocky or hostile for no reason will get you nowhere. Yes, some people need this spelled to them.
3. Lack of trust. The clan is fair, even if you are new, you will get as much as you put in, always.
4. Doing your own thing. Quietly going off on your own to play with your little group of friends, while the clan is online, WHILE you are needed, will get you ejected in no time (There are exceptions to this).
5. Not following basic clan etiquette. This includes not kicking randoms for clannies, showing preference on who joins over who asked first, trying to split clan drops instead of using the bank, etc.
6. Create any drama. Let's have fun and keep this as stress-free as possible.

Our primary gaming hours are based around US Eastern Standard Time (EST) but we have people from every region, from EU to OCE.

Hop on discord if you're interested: and PM Eazy#5376 (or Razor#5811).

If you had any past beef with us let us know beforehand. As previously mentioned, we don't want any of the usual English community drama.

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